Uruguay has approved and adheres to PCT

14 June, 2024
uruguay adheres to PCT

On June 11, 2024, the Uruguayan Parliament unanimously approved the country’s accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), representing a historic milestone for the country in the field of patents.

The country’s adherence to the PCT not only strengthens Uruguay’s Patent system, but also allows innovators, entrepreneurs and national companies to patent their inventions through simple procedures and lower costs of access to other jurisdictions.

After a little more than 45 years of efforts and previous attempts to obtain parliamentary approval of the initiative, this attempt started back in July 2023, with a legislation project filed by the Government. During the approval process, the Parliament decided to reserve Chapter II of the Treaty, regarding the international preliminary examination of patent applications.

The bill should be enacted by the Executive Power and its publication in the Official Gazette to complete the legislative ratification of the PCT, making Uruguay the 158th Contracting State of the PCT, being preceded in Latin America by Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Peru.





