VENEZUELA | Intellectual Property | IP fees increased 18%; but FOREX reduces impact


Each applicable unit for IP prosecution fees increased from VEF 150 to VEF. 177 (11 February 2016).  However, applying the new official exchange rate (VEF 10 = USD 1 as of 9 March 2016), the new IP fees in USD actually dropped. Here you can see the official fee table.


URUGUAY | Patents | New regulation governing pending patent applications creates abandonment risk


Regulation 02/2016 (27 January 2016) forces applicants to declare interest in continuing prosecution for patent applications filed before 2010. PTO is expected to notify Applicants in each case and provide a 30-day term to submit declaration. Failure to timely declare interest will result in abandonment.


COLOMBIA | Copyright | Copyright Office issues regulation on copyright fee collection made by persons other than collective management organizations (CMOs)


Through Circular 21 (23 March 2016) the Colombian Copyright Office warns that in case that the exploitation of copyright and related rights administration of a musical repertoire is being done by subjects different from the owners directly or royalty collection organizations (similar to ASCAP), it is necessary to obtain authorization from all the persons that share the managing role over the repertoire.


PARAGUAY | Intellectual Property | Mandatory payment of fees for certain procedures at the PTO


With the issuance of Regulation N° 02/2016 (24/02/2016), the Paraguayan PTO now requires a filing fee payment for the following procedures:

Name change of the registrant; domicile change of the registrant; argumentation of trademarks appeals; trademarks adjustment; labels changes (changes, inclusions and exclusions); denominations adjustments; declarations; adjustments in products or services descriptions; changes in Niza Classification class index; reconsideration acts; publications requests and merger applications/withdrawals.


BRAZIL | Trademarks | New apostille in trademark certificates


The Brazilian PTO has adopted a new apostille model for all trademarks certificates issued since March 2016, which specifies the scope of the exclusive right belonging to the trademark owner. PTO argues its decision seeking to reduce reconsideration acts filed by trademarks titleholders against it related with the scope of their rights.