OM Weekly Digest (27-05-2016)

27 May, 2016


PERU | Competition | Indecopi issues a Draft Guide which will develop a Leniency Programme for detection of antitrust practices 


The Draft Guide aims to facilitate the implementation of a Leniency Program, which creates exemptions from prosecution whistleblowers.

The Indecopi has enabled the email, to receive public comment before 10 June 2016. .

COLOMBIA | Competition | Superintendence of Industry and Commerce is developing a tool for monitoring the electricity market


With the tool, the SIC expects to promote free competition in the industry by detecting the actions of industry competitors that can distort the functioning of the market, and thereby ensure that its operation is competitive and efficient.

The SIC has already received public comment and expects to issue a guide on 30 June 2016.


COLOMBIA – ANDEAN COMMUNITY | Plant Variety Protection | Andean Community Secretariat determines that DUS exams performed by third parties does not infringe Andean Law


By means of Opinion 0003/2016, the Andean Community Secretariat rejected a complaint filed by a flower trader against the Republic of Colombia, arguing that the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA in Spanish) granted plant breeder’s rights in violation of the Andean Law when assigning to third parties the practice of Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability exams.

The Secretariat argued that sub-contracting DUS exams to third parties does not infringe Andean Law, expressly citing such authority under the 78’ UPOV Convention.






