In Argentina, the opposition procedure has undergone changes in recent years, the most recent modification being introduced by the Trademark Office (INPI) through a Resolution from July 10th, 2024. In this Resolution it was established that, if an application receives an opposition, the applicant must pay a fee of approximately USD 10 for the Office to decide on the opposition. This payment is a one-time fee per application, regardless of the number of oppositions filed. If the applicant does not pay, it will be considered that he/she has no interest in pursuing the application, so it will be rejected. In addition, applicants with current oppositions will have 15 working days to make the payment.

This measure seeks to reduce the number of opposition files in process, since previously all cases in which an opposition was filed had to be resolved, regardless of whether the applicant responded or not. Therefore, this decision seeks to correct the delays in the resolution of oppositions and to speed up the registration process.