New law regulated for contacting consumers

5 July, 2024
law regulated

On June 26, through External Circular 001, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (“SIC”) established its competence and regulated aspects of Law 2300 of 2023, known as the “Dejen de Fregar” Law.

The Circular states that the SIC will perform inspection, surveillance, and control functions regarding non-compliance related to:

  • The processing of personal data by sources, users, or operators not supervised by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia.
  • Processing for commercial prospection purposes, debt collection, or advertising, concerning authorized channels, purposes, and general violations of the right to Habeas Data.

Additionally, it establishes that all producers and suppliers of goods and services must consult the Registry of Excluded Numbers (“RNE”) to verify registered holders and restricted communication channels. It also indicates that authorizations granted for commercial prospecting purposes before the RNE are considered revoked.





