The Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Environment have launched the thirty-fourth call for scientific, technological, and innovative projects in the environmental field. This call is focused on water management, environmental equity, and productive transformation. The aim is to build a catalog of projects that meet the territorial demands of the 2023-2024 call plan, targeting alliances of the National System of Science, Technology, and Innovation (SNCTI). The call is divided into two mechanisms: the first addresses environmental knowledge at the national level, while the second focuses on regional projects. The closing dates for the calls are April 1st and February 27th, 2024, respectively.
In parallel, the Ecopetrol Econova network has issued a call for research, development, and innovation (“R&D&I”) projects. These projects are aimed at addressing technological challenges in areas such as renewable energy, plastic pyrolysis, reuse of wastewater, valorization of CO2, and air quality improvement. The goal is to form a portfolio of projects to finance solutions through open innovation processes, generating synergies among SNCTI stakeholders. The closing deadline for this call is March 21st, 2024.