ARGENTINA | Patents | Patent Office of Argentina clarifies scope of its “Internal Patent Prosecution Highway”
By means of Resolution 125/2016, the Argentine Patent Office (INPI in Spanish) defined the scope of its “Internal Patent Prosecution Highway” (IPPH) -introduced in Resolution 56 of 2016– and which was discussed in a previous edition of the OM Weekly Digest.
The new Resolution establishes that substantive examination is mandatory for patent applications wishing to benefit from the IPPH. In the case of pharmaceutical industry patent applications, indicates that Joint Resolutions MI N° 118 of 2012; MS N° 546 of 2012 and 107 of 2012 -which establishes the current Argentine Patentability Guidelines- remain in force and its provisions conform the INPI requirements for patentability in chemical and pharmaceutical inventions.
BRAZIL | Patents | PPH between Brazil and PROSUR members entered into force
On 19 December 2016 entered into force the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) between Brazil and 6 PROSUR member countries (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay), once the Brazilian Government approved its implementation.
It is expected that Ecuador will soon obtain government approval, being possible to submit PPH applications between each other in all mentioned countries.
COLOMBIA | Copyright | Colombian Copyright Office introduces new Registration System of Works
On 10 January 2017, the new Registration System of Works via internet of the Colombian Copyright Office (DNDA in Spanish) entered into operation. The system retains the same steps of the previous platform, adding new elements that facilitate the registration of works, including integration with the “Orange network” (which is a new portal sponsored by the DNDA for monetization of works).
The new Registration System requires the creation of a new profile, but it will associate all the works registered previously by the user through its identification number (citizenship card or tax identification number).
For more information, please visit the following link.