The Defensoría del Pueblo launched its publication “Free Competition and its Impact on Citizens’ Rights” on January 19, 2024. This comprehensive analysis addresses the relationship between free competition and human rights in Colombia, highlighting its importance in economic development and equity.

The publication examines the regulatory framework to procedural aspects, emphasizing the need to balance state intervention with the preservation of the fundamental principles that support free competition.

The text emphasizes that, although free competition is recognized as a collective right, it also entails responsibilities for market participants. The jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court establishes limitations and the power of the State to regulate economic activities, underlining the importance of preserving higher values without undermining the basic freedoms that underpin free competition.

The Defensoría del Pueblo emphasizes its commitment to the protection of this collective right, considering both businessmen and consumers in the analysis of free competition as a fundamental resource for the economic and social development of the country.