New regulations for e-commerce approved

21 June, 2024
regulations for ecommerce
On June 12, 2024, the Colombian Congress approved important changes in the regulation of e-commerce. Among the main modifications, the following stand out:


  • The reduction of the deadline for the return of money in case of retraction, which goes from 30 to 15 days. This measure streamlines the refund processes in favor of consumers and aims to increase security in online transactions.
  • The definition of “Contact Website” is included, understood as any platform that connects consumers with suppliers or producers to directly conclude a consumer transaction.
  • It is established that all charges for the use of technology in FINTECH systems will be considered as interest and must be informed to the consumer, who will be able to choose alternative methods.

Finally, administrative orders of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce to protect consumers may not be appealed.





