Infographic | INTA meeting 2024

26 June, 2024
INTA 2024

INTA brings together key stakeholders involved in trademark protection, including policymakers, attorneys, officials, brand owners, and top-tier IP professionals. INTA has various committees and hosts multiple meetings throughout the year.

These committees, composed of volunteers from around the world, dedicate their time to creating new resources for members and non-members alike, including policymakers, brand owners, and courts.
They study past, present, and future trends in branding, covering both the philosophy and economics of trademarks and their interaction with other intellectual property rights and issues such as consumer law, unfair competition, copyright, antitrust, and entertainment.
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In May 2024, Atlanta hosted the INTA Anual Meeting

Two of our partners, Maria A. Pava and J. Felipe Acosta, were present. Maria has been a committee member for over 7 years and is now working on brand restrictions and lectures on the subject to a global audience. She is also collaborating on a heat map with the Brand Restrictions committee, which will soon showcase the current state of affairs across the world.

Maria was recently recognized as a Rising Star for her commitment to contributing to the IP profession and INTA.


Felipe has been attending the annual meeting for several years and currently chairs a Sub-Committee for one of the most intriguing events during the meeting, the Trademark Scholarship Symposium. The Symposium features a rigorous peer review selection of the best papers submitted by researchers from around the world.

Those selected are invited to present their papers, paired with commentators from various regions who provide feedback and critique to help improve their work.

The Symposium offers a unique venue where the public is expected to actively participate, share, and comment on what they hear.

This year’s Symposium, under Felipe’s leadership, offered an excellent opportunity to discuss topics such as the relationship between national security and anti-counterfeiting, co-branding, multilevel schemes, feminist perspectives on intellectual property, and asymmetric lawsuits in the digital era.
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To promote a healthy debate and protect the academic novelty of the content shared, discussions at the Symposium are subject to customary confidentiality rules. In this line, the Symposium provided a space to incentivize some of the most active and thought-provoking discussions during the Annual Meeting.

At OlarteMoure, we are proud to contribute not only as consultants and litigators but also as academics shaping the future of intellectual property.





